
今天要來介紹英文寫作中的申論/議論文體 (也就是argumentative essay)
The goal of an argumentative essay is to convince the reader of the writer's point of view. 
為了讓我們英文寫作的議論文論點強而有力,我們會把議論文拆成三個部分:分別是a counter-argument, a refutation, and a concession


一、counter-argument 就是所反對的論點,我們會在這個部分敘述我們所反對的論點(也就是議論的主題反方),以示我們對於議論主題的題目以及反方論述的了解!

二、refutation 稱為“退一步”,我們退一步同意反方論點的某部分,並簡短有理地說出為何自己會選擇正方論點!


In Asian countries especially, homework assignments are viewed almost unquestioningly as the means of ensuring academic achievement and future career advancement. By completing assignments and receiving feedback in terms of marks, parents in theory can gauge their child's success and whether he or she can compete by completing achievement tests that ensure placement in university one day. However, such is not the case. According to Alfie Kohn, author of "The Homework Myth," there is no research-based evidence that shows any beneficial effects from homework until the age of 15. Moreover, recent studies show a negative correlation between the hours each student spends on homework and their performance in achievement tests, both within countries and among groups of countries.

以上橘底部分為 refutation,紅底部分為 concession
看完之後便能從中體會為何要把議論文分三個區塊了吧!第二部分的 refutation 在這篇短文中省略了,要不要加則是見仁見智。



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